Nebraska Nanoscale Energy Engineering Lab

Contact - Mohammad Ghashami
Department - Mechanical & Materials Engineering 

Students Needed:
• Graduate
• Undergraduate

For Undergraduate Students:

The Nebraska Nanoscale Energy Engineering Group (PI: Dr. Mohammad Ghashami) is seeking for highly motivated undergraduate students who want to establish research experiences in the following nanoscale thermal sciences and engineering projects. Interested students, please contact Prof. Ghashami ( with a transcript and a resume.

  1. Nanoscale Thermionic Energy Conversion
  2. Radiative Thermal Transport Measurements at the Nanoscales
  3. Sub-Continuum Gas Conduction Measurements

The students will be involved in the following activities depending on their assigned project and interest:

  • Design and development of different experimental setups for nanoscale gap control and precision measurements
  • Design and fabrication of samples using NCMN and Cleanroom facilities
  • Developing programs using LabView and MATLAB
  • Taking measurements and analyzing data
  • Learning fundamental physics of Energy Transport at the Nanoscale

Students are welcome to stop by Dr. Ghashami's office (W317 NH) to learn more about these projects. A competitive hourly rate will be provided to the selected students. 


For Graduate Students:

In Nebraska Nanoscale Energy Engineering Group, we are always looking for motivated graduate students to join us. We have open positions for graduate students to become an active member of our lab and contribute to our cutting edge research in nanoscale energy transport and its engineering applications. 

If you are interested in any of the below research topics or want to learn more about the projects in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Ghashami via Email ( or stop by his office (NH W317).

  • Micro/Nanoscale Energy Transfer
  • Near-field Thermal Radiation
  • Energy Conversion and Recycling Processes
  • Thermophotovoltaics, Thermoelectrics, and Thermionics
  • Engineering Applications of Nanoscale Energy Transport
  1. Avatar for Mohammad Ghashami
    Adjunct Faculty Mechanical & Materials Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    NH W317
    Lincoln NE 68588-0526
    Work 402-472-3329 On-campus 2-3329