Dr. Vitaly Alexandrov

1. American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund: "Towards Atomistic Understanding of CO2 Reduction to Fuels over Carbon-Based Metal-Free Electrocatalysts,"   ($110,000); PI  

Vitaly Alexandrov has been awarded a grant from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS PRF) to work on catalytic CO2 conversion.  This Doctoral New Investigator (DNI) grant supports a two-year project that will help develop a detailed picture of atomic-scale mechanisms of CO2 reduction over carbon-based metal-free electrocatalysts utilizing quantum molecular dynamics simulations. The obtained fundamental knowledge will contribute to the development of more efficient and selective catalysts for CO2 conversion reactions.

2. Nebraska EPSCoR FIRST Award (2017): "Understanding Solution and Interfacial Electrochemistry for High-Performance Redox Flow Batteries from First-Principles" ($25,000; 1 year); PI

3. NSF MRSEC Seed Grant (2016-2017): “Understanding Electronic, Transport and Defect Properties of Low-Dimensional Ferroelectric Systems from First-Principles” ($100,500; 2 years); PI

Dr. Shudipto Dishari

1. NSF CAREER Award (2018): "Confined Ionomeric Systems and Imaging of Ionic Distribution" ($591,000) 
(Duration May 1, 2018-April 30, 2023)
Role: PI

NASA Nebraska Space Grant (2017): "Ion Transport under Confinement in Alkaline and Regenerative Fuel Cells for Space Shuttle Applications"        
(Duration Aug. 1, 2017-Feb. 28, 2018) 
Role: PI

2.       Nebraska EPSCoR First award (2017): “Addressing the Critical Concerns of Confined Ionomeric Systems and Advanced Fluorescence Imaging of Ionic Distribution” ( $25,000, 1 yr)
Role: PI

3.       Research Council Faculty Seed Grant (2016): “Functional Nanoscale Materials Inspired by Plant Cell Walls for Energy Applications” ($10,000, 1 yr)
Role: PI

4.  Layman Award: $10, 000: “Lignin Derived Ionomers as Efficient Proton Conductor at Nanothin Catalyst Interfaces”, May 1 2018-April 30, 2019, Role : PI

5. Core Facility Grant: $3,822.50: “Elucidating Nanostructure of Polymer Thin Films using Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS)”, April 20, 2018-June 30, 2018; Role: PI

Dr. Rajib Saha

1. Development of a Succinic Acid Production Process Using Corn Fiber, funded by Nebraska Corn Board ($85,148 for first year and $85,148 for the second year if it gets renewed)
PI: Mark Wilkins, Biosystems Engineering
Co-PI: Rajib Saha, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 

2. Development of a systems-level pangenome metabolic model for analysis of Staphylococcus aureus physiology, funded by Nebraska Systems Science Initiative ($150,000 for two years)

PI: Kenneth Bayles, Pathology and Microbiology, UNMC 

    Co-PI: Rajib Saha, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

3. Anaerobic Conversion of Monolignols into a Plastic Precursor, funded by UNL Revision Awards program ($25,000)
PI: Rajib Saha, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Co-PI: Mark Wilkins, Biosystems Engineering 

4. A systems biology approach to elucidate the temporal dynamics of rice leaf responses to drought and salinity stress, funded by Research Council Interdisciplinary award ($20,000)
PI: Rajib Saha, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 
Co-PI: Harkamal Walia, Horticulture and Agronomy and Toshihiro Obata, Biochemistry