The Durham School Career Fair

Professionals discussing at the Career Fair

The Durham School Career Fair

Schedule Details


All events will be held at the Scott Conference Center on the University of Nebraska at Omaha campus: 6450 Pine St. in Omaha.



Main Career Fair Event
September 30 - October 2, 2024

There will be tables for 100 employers in the Engineering and Construction industries

Internship Presentations
September 30, 2024 (4:30 - 6:30 PM)

Welcome Reception
September 30, 2024 (4:30 - 6:30 PM)

A reception for industry, students, faculty, and staff to kick off the Durham School Career Fair and welcome all participants, concurrent with the internship presentations.

The Durham School Career Fair
October 1, 2024 (10 AM - 3 PM)

Meet and recruit Architectural Engineering, Construction Engineering, Construction Management, and Civil Engineering students. Our students are eager to meet employers and explore internship & full-time opportunities. All students are welcome to attend, however the fair is specifically for those in the building industry.

Next-Day Interviews
October 2, 2024 (8 AM - 5 PM)

Host next-day interviews with potential candidates that you meet at the career fair! Priority will be given to non-local employers. Local employers are encouraged to host interviews off-site after October 4.

Employer Information

Employer Information

Registration Cost

Registration is $575 and includes:

  • Entry for one 5x2 skirted career fair booth, bringing no more than 4 representatives
  • Lunch at Scott Café (dining hall) for representatives
  • Access to student resume books prior to the fair
  • Ability to participate in the internship presentations, welcome reception, career fair, and (for non-local employers) next-day interviews


Nearby Hotels

The Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Aksarben Village
Reserve by phone at "The UNO Rate" for a discounted rate.

Hampton Inn Omaha Midtown-Aksarben Area
Reserve by phone at "The UNO Rate" for a discounted rate.


Booth Information

  • Ship booth materials to arrive no earlier than the Monday before the fair. We can arrange return shipping by UPS, USPS, and FedEx. Please provide a return shipping label.
  • Shipping address:
    • Scott Conference Center
      ATTN: Carol Potter
      Durham Fair—October 3
      6450 Pine Street
      Omaha, NE 68106

Resume books

  • Information will be emailed to the employer registrant two weeks before the fair

Day-of Information

  • Employer check-in starts at 8:00 a.m.
  • Park in Lot 9 or 14 across Pine Street from the Scott Conference Center

Student Information

Student Information

Career Fair prep

  • Prepare your resume - Check out the resume templates here and book a resume review with Engineering Career Services. Omaha students can schedule with Nicole Askew on MavConnect and Lincoln students can schedule with Jordyn McCave or Paula Caldwell on Student Success Hub.   If you would like to upload your resume to the Durham School Resume Book, please do so by September 13, 2024 at 11:59 pm. For steps on how to upload your resume to the resume book, click here.
  • Elevator pitch - Consider preparing a brief 30-second introduction about who you are and why you are interested in the company. Practice this introduction before you come to the fair. Please visit Career Services before the Fair to polish your introduction or "elevator speech," review your resume, and schedule a mock interview so you are prepared.
  • What to wear - Career fair dress should be either business casual or business formal. If you have a suit, plan to wear that to the fair. If you do not have a suit, dress slacks, a skirt, button-down shirt with a tie, or a knit blouse are appropriate. You want to feel professional and confident. Nice jeans and a work appropriate shirt are acceptable if you are in between classes. Gym shoes/clothing, torn clothing, and revealing clothing are not appropriate for a career fair, even if you are just visiting for class participation credit.
Business Formal Dress ware example
Business Casual Dress ware example
  • What to bring - Be sure to bring many copies of your updated, polished resume as well as a portfolio or folder to carry it in. Also remember a pen or pencil, notepad, and breath mints.
  • How to prepare - In addition to attending a resume review or career coaching appointment, check out the participating employers on Handshake and begin researching those that interest you in advance. Visit company websites. Check current job openings to get an idea of what skills and education are required to work for that company.
  • How-To Videos and Resources - Watch these quick, helpful videos made by our Career Services Experts on how to make the most of your time at the Career Fair!


Durham School Career Fair FAQs

For additional support, book an appointment with Engineering Career Services. Omaha students can schedule with Nicole Askew on MavConnect and Lincoln students can schedule with Jordyn McCave or Paula Caldwell on Student Success Hub.  

Health & Safety

All current local and campus health guidance are followed and enforced at this event. Please review UNO campus guidance effective February 21, 2022: UNO Covid Response. Employers attending are expected to adhere to any current university policies and restrictions. 

Durham School Career Fair Contacts

  1. Avatar for Jordyn McCave
    Assistant Director Career Services College of Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    KH A505V
    Lincoln NE 68588-0685
    Work 402-472-7094 On-campus 2-7094
  1. Avatar for Nicole Askew
    Career Services Coordinator College of Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    PKI 102D
    Omaha NE 68182-0176
    Work 4025543949