Engineering and Computing Education Core

Engineering and Computing Education Core

Students sitting at a computer

Teaching Excellence

Our Mission

The ECEC serves as a core facility in the College of Engineering at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln that contributes to the College’s mission of providing excellent post-secondary education through ABET-Accredited programs and high-quality graduate programs by providing resources and support for faculty, staff, and students in the College of Engineering. 

We achieve this mission through… 

  • Developing, implementing, and promoting professional development programs that contribute to the continuous improvement of teaching and learning in the college 
  • Cultivating a culture of implementing evidence-based approaches to teaching and learning
  • Encouraging and supporting faculty to apply best practices in instructional design for in-person, online, and distance classes 
  • Providing high-quality, custom solutions for the College of Engineering’s assessment and data needs 
  • Growing the reach of Nebraska Engineering beyond the state by supporting efforts towards engineering and computing education research and being engaged scholars within the field 
  • Providing resources, training, and customized support for COE programs as they work towards ABET accreditation 
  • Facilitating pedagogical exploration of and innovation with educational technology in distance classrooms and other unique contexts 
  • Contributing to the success of the Complete Engineer™ program
  • Consulting on the design and assessment of educational activities in grants applied for by engineering faculty, especially NSF Career awards 
  • Promoting and practicing inclusive excellence throughout the college 
  • Supporting high-quality graduate education