The ECEC’s Assessment and Data Analytics Team will be offering a series of seminars during the 2024-2025 academic year. This series covers a variety of topics related to surveys, data management, and data literacy. Please register to attend using the form below the session information table.
Title | Date | Rooms | Summary |
Qualtrics 201 | Spring 2025, TBD | TBD | In this session, we will build on Qualtrics 101 as we cover advanced question types, question libraries, text piping, advanced survey flows, response recoding, response scoring, and advanced options for sharing your survey. Prior experience with Qualtrics or prior attendance at Designing High-Quality Surveys and Qualtrics 101 is recommended. You are encouraged to bring a laptop to practice using Qualtrics during the session. |
Getting a Handle on Your Spreadsheets (in Excel) | Spring 2025, TBD | TBD | This session is for anyone who has looked at a workbook or a folder full of spreadsheets and thought, “There has to be a better way!” In this session, we will dive further into data structures as we work through the many questions you should ask yourself as you set up a new spreadsheet, set out to create a new data/documentation system, or redesign your personal data landscape to increase your own efficiency. This session will equip you to save yourself time later by planning ahead for the ways you might need to use your data. |
Everything You Didn’t Know You Need to Know About Institutional Data | Spring 2025, TBD | TBD | In this session, we will cover a range of topics related to UNL’s institutional data. If you’ve ever asked, “Why don’t these numbers match what I saw in that other presentation?” this session is for you. If you ever make data requests related to student enrollment or graduation counts, this session is for you. We will review several important institutional data concepts, key points in time during the academic year, and discuss how institutional metrics (like retention and graduation rates) are defined so that you can be a more informed data consumer. We will also discuss how the organizational set up of the College of Engineering makes our data landscape particularly unique. |
Register to attend a session using the form below. By registering, you will receive email reminders for the events and updates about session locations. You must register in order to attend via Zoom.