This needs new dates! 

The 2024 N2R workshop, a five-day intensive training on RStudio for graduate students, will run from August 12 - August 16, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM each day. N2R is sponsored by the Engineering and Computing Education Core (ECEC) and will be taught by Dr. Markeya Peteranetz and the Assessment & Data Analytics Team (ADAT). N2R will be held in-person in the engineering complex on City Campus (exact location TBD).  Registration is required, and there are only 15 seats available. Priority will be given to those who will be able to attend the full time all five days. The registration deadline is Friday, August 2.

Each session will include a mix of instruction and hands-on practice, and will also include an extended break for lunch and independent work time. N2R will cover the following:

  • Day 1: Intro to RStudio and Coding in R
  • Day 2: Data Wrangling
  • Day 3: Getting Started with DataViz
  • Day 4: Advanced DataViz
  • Day 5: Intro to Inferential Stats and Modeling

Prior experience with RStudio is not required. Prior experience with an object-oriented programming language (e.g., R, Java, Python, MATLAB, etc.) is strongly recommended.