Mid-Semester Student Feedback

Mid-semester Student Feedback

Soliciting feedback on your instruction in the middle of the semester is a practice that can help you become a better teacher. Generally, mid-semester feedback is much less formal than end-of-semester evaluations (e.g. the Student Learning Experience survey), is designed to provide immediate, actionable feedback about teaching, and takes less time for students to complete. We recommend that you keep your question set to 2-4 questions that can be answered in 1-3 sentences each.

Before presenting students with mid-semester feedback questions, it is a good idea to explain to them why you are asking them the questions. Let them know that this is an opportunity to help you implement positive changes this semester, as opposed to the Student Learning Experience survey, which helps you improve in future semesters. Furthermore, make sure their responses are anonymous and let them know they are. Students are more willing to be candid if they do not have a reason to fear retaliation.

Mid-semester feedback can be collected through the EvaluationKit platform, another online tool (Microsoft Forms), or paper/pencil in class. There are several different types of questions you can ask in a mid-semester feedback survey. We recommend you use one of the two formats below:

  1. What aids your learning in this course, and why?
  2. What impedes your learning in this course, and why?

Or, "Keep, Stop, Start"

  1. What is one thing that you'd like me to keep doing?
  2. What is one thing you'd like me to stop doing?
  3. What is one thing you'd like me to start doing? 

You can also add questions specific to elements or challenges related to your class. For example, for courses taught in distance classrooms, you might ask, “what can I do to better support your learning when you and I are in different classrooms?”


After collecting mid-semester feedback and reading the responses, complete a reflection to help you create a plan to implement the changes suggested by your students.