Hometown: San Antonio, TX
School: Tom Clark High School
Major: Civil Engineering
Kiewit Internship Location(s): Hawaii, New York
Howdy! I am from San Antonio, Texas. Although I was born in Santiago, Chile, my heart belongs to the Lone Star State. In my spare time, I enjoy being crafty, watching movies, and going to the gym. For the past 4 years, I have had the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with the disability community. Moreover, this summer I was granted the privilege to work as an aid at CampCAMP, an organization that serves folks of all ages with cognitive, physical, and medical unique abilities.
I am looking forward to all the opportunities Kiewit has set out for us, especially the Kiewit internship. The advantage Kiewit has given me will contribute to my main future career goal, which is serving the unique-abilities community through advocacy, accessible infrastructure, and enforcing ADA guidelines.