The MEM degree program requires 30 credit hours. Online courses are three semester credit hours and held in accelerated 8-week sessions.

The Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management requires 12 credit hours. Individuals who successfully complete the Graduate Certificate may use the credit hours earned toward completion of the Master of Engineering Management (MEM) degree, once they apply and are admitted to the MEM program.

Master of Engineering Management (MEM) Degree

Core Courses

EMGT 805 (Managing and Leading Teams)
EMGT 806 (Decision and Risk Analysis)
EMGT 809 (Advanced Engineering Economics)
EMGT 905 (Strategy for Engineering & Technology)


6 Elective 

Co-create your education! Customize & tailor your curriculum to fit your career path.
Up to 3 MBA courses allowed:
6 MEM + 0 MBA
5 MEM + 1 MBA
4 MEM + 2 MBA
3 MEM + 3 MBA



Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management

Core Courses

EMGT: 805 & 806
(6 credits)


2 MEM 
Elective Courses

6 credits)


EM Graduate Certificate