Avatar for K.P. Rajurkar

K.P. Rajurkar

Professor Mechanical & Materials Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln


NH W303
Lincoln NE 68588-0526
402-472-0454 On-campus 2-0454


  • Ph.D., 1981 Michigan Tech
  • M.S., 1978 Michigan Tech
  • B.E., 1966 Jabalpur (India)

Areas of Research and Professional Interest

  • Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing Processes
  • Systems Sensing and Control of Traditional and Nontraditional macro, micro and nano Manufacturing Processes

Honors and Awards

Hideo Hanafusa Outstanding Investigator Award, 2010:
International Symposium on Flexible Automation for “seminal contributions in the areas of non-traditional machining processes and equipment in particular process modeling, surface integrity and monitoring and control of macro and micro Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), Electro Chemical Machining (ECM) and Ultra-Sonic Machining (USM).”

  • 2011 Distinguished Service Award, North American Manufacturing Research Institution, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).
  • 2010 Distinguished Investigator Award, International Society on Flexible Automation.
  • 2009 Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Gold Medal.
  • ASME Vice President Manufacturing (now called Technical Group Leader), 2005-2008.
  • Chair, ASME E. M. Merchant Medal Committee, 2009 – 2012.
  • Chair, International Academy of Production Engineers (CIRP),
  • Chair, International Academy of Production Engineers (CIRP) U.S. Fellows Group, 2013-2016.
  • 2005 Charles F. Carter Jr.  Advancing Manufacturing Award, Association of Manufacturing Technology.
  • ASME Fellow, SME Fellow, International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) Fellow.
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award, 1995.
  • College of Engineering and Technology Service Award, 1998
  • College of Engineering and Technology Research Award, 1991, 1996,
  • College of Engineering and Technology Teaching Award, 1993,

Selected Publications

Selected Publications:

  1. Sundaram, M., Chen, Y., Rajurkar, K. P., “ Pulse ElectrochemicaL Machining  of Glass-fiber Epoxy reinforced Composite”, Annals of the International Academy of Production Engineers (CIRP), Volume 67/1, 2019 (accepted for publication).
  2. Liu, Q., Zhang, Q., Zhang, M, Rajurkar, K. P. , “ Effects of Surface Layer of AISI 304 0n micro EDM Performance”, Journal of Precision Engineering, 2019 (accepted for publication).
  3. Malshe, A. P., Bapat, S., Rajurkar, K. P., “Bio-inspired Textures for Functional Applications”, Annals of the International Academy of Production Engineers (CIRP), Volume 67/2 (Key-note Paper), 2018, pp. 627-650.
  4. Kumar, S., Sankar, R., Rajurkar, K. P. “Nano-finishing of Micro Slots on Surgical Stainless Steel by Abrasive Flow Finishing Process”’, ASME Journal of Micro and Nano Manufacturing, March 2018.
  5. Gu, L., Chen, J., Zhu, Y., Zhao, W., Rajurkar, K. P. “Influence of reinforcement particles on the mechanism of the blasting erosion arc machining of SiC/Al composites “. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018.
  6. Wansheng, Z., Lin, G., Fawang, Z., Rajurkar, K. P., “Modeling study of the hydrodynamic arc breaking mechanism in beam”, Annals of the International Academy of Production Engineers (CIRP), Volume 67/1, 2018, pp.189-192.
  7. Zhang, W., Malshe, A. P., Rajurkar, K. P., “Understanding Evolution of tribo-chemical interfaces during boundary lubrication in manufacturing”, Annals of the International Academy of Production Engineers (CIRP), Volume 66/1, 2017,pp.555-558.
  8. Uhlamnn, E., Mullany, B., Rajurkar, K. P., et al., “Process Chains for High-Precision Components with Micro-Scale Features”, Annals of the International Academy of Production Engineers (CIRP), Volume 65/2, 2016, pp. 549-572.
  9. Malshe, A. P., Rajurkar, K. P., Samant, A., Hansen, H. N.,” Bio-inspired Functional Surfaces for Advanced Applications”, Annals of the International Academy of Production Engineers (CIRP), Volume 62/1, 2013, pp.797-820.
  10. Jahan, M. P. , Virwani, K. R., Rajurkar, K. P., and Malshe, A. P., “ A Comparative Study of the Dry and Wet nano-scale Electro-machining,” Procedia CIRP, Vol. 6, 2013, pp. 627-632
  11. Virwani, K., Malshe, A.P., Rajurkar, K. P. "Understanding sub-20nm Scale Breakdown Behavior of Liquid Dielectric", Physical Review Letters, 99, 017601, 2007.
  12. Virwani, K., Malshe, A. P., Rajurkar, K. P. "Tool Wear in Nano Scale Electro Machining", Annals of the International Academy of Production Engineers (CIRP), Vol. 56/1, 2007,