Mehrdad Negahban

Avatar for Mehrdad Negahban

Mehrdad Negahban

Professor Mechanical & Materials Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln


NH W311
Lincoln NE 68588-0526
402-472-2397 On-campus 2-2397


  • Ph.D. (1988): University of Michigan, Applied Mechanics, Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • M.S.E. (1984): University of Michigan, Applied Mechanics, Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • B.S. (1982): Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Ames, Iowa

Areas of Research and Professional Interest

  • Theoretical, computational, and experimental studies to characterize large deformation thermo-mechanical response of materials, in particular polymers.
  • Simulation of the effects of crystallization on the mechanical behavior of polymers under large deformations.
  • The study of the effects of crystallization on failure and the redistribution of stress in polymer matrix composites. Simulation of the manufacturing of thin film extruded polymers.
  • Experimental investigation and theoretical modeling of large plastic forming and shape recovery in amorphous polymers.
  • 3D printing with stereo lithography: Controlling property variation and optimizing property distribution.


Recent Graduates:

  • Zesheng Zhang, Ph.D., "Multiscale investigation of mechanical response and identification of molecular sources of ratcheting in polycarbonate," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, August, 2019.
  • Wenlong Li, Ph.D., "Thermo-mechanical characterization of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) and polycarbonate (PC) and thermodynamic continuum modeling of glassy polymers," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, December, 2018.
  • Zhong  Chen, Ph.D., "Optimal Grading for Strength and Functionality of Parts Made of  Interpenetrating Polymer Networks: Load Capacity Enhancement," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, December, 2016.
  • Evan Schwahn,  M.S., "Using Controlled Curing in a Custom Stereolithography-based 3D Printing  Machine to Obtain Graded Property Variations," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, August, 2015.
  • Lili Zhang, Ph.D., "Propogation of thermo-mechanical waves in deforming nonlinear viscoelastic bodies," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, August, 2013.
  • Lena Butterfield (with Li Tan), M.S., "Developing and characterizing a rapid prototyping stereo-lithography machine to produce interpenetrating polymer network systems," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, August, 2013.
  • Emilie Bobo, M.S., "Development of a controllable polymer system using interpenetrating networks," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, August, 2013.
  • Jonathan M. Hein, M.S., "Ultrasonic and stereo-optical characterization techniques for applications in mechanical testing," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, December, 2011.
  • Ke Yu, M.S., "Generic strategies to implement material grading in finite element methods for isotropic and anisotropic materials," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, December, 2011.
  • Charles Landais, M.S., "Ultrasonic methods for the characterization of complex materials and material systems: Polymers, structured polymers, soft tissue and bone," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, May, 2011.
  • Shawn E. Meagher, M.S., "Anomalous loss of toughness of work toughened polycarbonate," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, December, 201o.
  • Quentin Fichot, "Characterization, modeling, and consequences of the development during plastic flow of large anisotropy in the wave speeds," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, December, 201o.
  • Ashwani Kumar Goel, Ph.D., "Large deformation thermodynamically consistent constitutive model for glassy polymers," University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, December, 2009.

Courses Taught

  • MECH 223 - Engineering Statics
  • MECH 325 - Mechanics of Elastic Bodies
  • MECH 373 - Engineering Dynamics
  • MECH 480/880 - Numerical Methods in Engineering
  • MECH 449/849 - Advanced Dynamics
  • MECH 451/851 - Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
  • MECH 910 - Continuum Mechanics
  • MECH 918 - Fundamentals of Finite Elements
  • MECH 939 - Viscoelasticity
  • MECH 942 - Theory of Plasticity

Selected Publications


  1. M Negahban, W Li, J-M Saiter, L Delbreilh, K Strabala, and Z Li, "Traversing with quantitative fidelity through the glass transition of amorphous polymers: Modeling the thermodynamic dilatational flow of polycarbonate," Journal of Rheology, 67, 3, 749-774 (2023). DOI:10.1122/8.0000607
  2. Z Chen, S Guan, Q Xie, Z Li, Z Gao, and M Negahban, "Locally resonant metasurface for low-frequency transmissive underwater acoustic waves," Frontiers in Physics, 10, 6 pages (2023). DOI:10.3389/fphy.2022.1098261


  1. R Xia, S Shao, J Yi, K Zheng, M Negahban, and Z Li, "Tunable asymmetric transmission of Lamb waves in piezoelectric bimorph plates by electric boundary design," Composite Structures, 300, 116111 (2022). DOI:
  2. L Song, Z Chen, M Negahban, L Liang, Z Li, and Z Wu, "Ultrathin coding metasurface for underwater wave focusing, branching and self-bending generation with one single actuator," , 36, 21, 2250091 (2022).
  3. J Yi, Z Ma, R Xia, M Negahban, C Chen, and Z Li, "Structural periodicity dependent scattering behavior in parity-time symmetric elastic metamaterials," Physical Review B, 106, 1, 14303 (2022). DOI:
  4. Z Zhang*, L Zhang*, J Jasa*, M Negahban, and G Gazonas, "Molecular sources of ratcheting in poly-dispersed polycarbonate," International Journal of Fatigue, 154, 106567 (2022). DOI:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2021.106567
  5. J Yi, Z Li, M Negahban, R Xia, and J Zhu, "Asymmetric viscoelastic metamaterials for broad bandgap design and unidirectional zero reflection," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 162, 108101 (2022). DOI:10.1016/j.ymssp.2021.108101


  1. M Guivier, J Kuebler, T Swanson, C Lawson, L Fernandez-Ballester, M Negahban, and M Sealy, "Mechanical Behavior of ABS after Interlayer Ultrasonic Peening Printed by Fused Filament Fabrication," 2021 International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, USA (2021). DOI:10.26153/tsw/17673
  2. Z Chen, F Yan, M Negahban, and Z Li, "Extremely thin reflective metasurface for low-frequency underwater acoustic waves: Sharp focusing, self-bending, and carpet cloaking," Journal of Applied Physics, 130, 125304 (2021). DOI:10.1063/5.0041092
  3. L Chen, J Jung, BD Chaves, D Jones, M Negahban, Y Zhao, and J Subbia, "Challenges of dry hazelnut shell surface for radio frequency pasteurization of inshell hazelnuts," Food Control, 125, 107948 (2021). DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.107948


  1. Z Chen, F Yan, M Negahban, and Z Li, "Resonator-based reflective metasurface for low-frequency underwater acoustic waves," Journal of Applied Physics, 128, 5, 55305 (2020). DOI:10.1063/5.0006523
  2. H Eudier, S Ben-Harb, J-P Lorand, M Negahban, J-M Saiter, and M Chan-Huot, "Properties Of An Analogue Cheese Obtained From Raw Peanut," Peanut Science, 47, 2, 81-88 (2020). DOI:10.3146/PS20-1.1


  1. Z Chen*†, M Negahban, Z Li, and J Zhu, "Tunable Exceptional Point and Unidirectional Zero Reflection of a Metabeam Using Shunted Piezos," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52, 9, 95503 (2019). DOI:10.1088/1361-6463/ab5f38
  2. J Yi, M Negahban, Z Li, X Su, and R Xia, "Conditionally extraordinary transmission in periodic parity-time symmetric phononic crystals," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 163, 13 pages (2019). DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2019.105134
  3. H Hadidi, B Mailand, T Sundermann, E Johnson, G Madireddy, M Negahban, L Delbreilh, and M Sealy, "Low velocity impact of ABS after shot peening predefined layers during additive manufacturing," Procedia Manufacturing, 34, 594-602 (2019). DOI:10.1016/j.promfg.2019.06.169
  4. Z Zhang*, Y Hong, B Hou, Z Zhang, M Negahban, and J Zhang, "Accelerated discoveries of mechanical properties of graphene using machine learning and high-throughput computation," Carbon, 148, 115-123 (2019). DOI:10.1016/j.carbon.2019.03.046
  5. Z Chen*, S Shao, M Negahban, and Z Li, "Tunable metasurface for acoustic wave redirection, focusing and source illusion," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52, 39, 395503 (2019). DOI:10.1088/1361-6463/ab2abd
  6. W Li, N Delpouve, S Araujo, F Bateux, E Bobo, J-M Saiter, L Tan, and M Negahban, "Controlling properties of acrylate/epoxy interpenetrating polymer networks by premature termination of radical polymerization of acrylate," Polymer Engineering and Science, 10 pages (2019). DOI:10.1002/pen.25173
  7. L Zhang*, Z Zhang*, M Negahban, and A Jérusalem, "Molecular dynamics simulation of cell membrane pore sealing," Extreme Mechanics Letters, 27, 83-93 (2019). DOI:
  8. W Li*, G Gazonas, EN Brown, PJ Rao, and M Negahban, "Thermomechanical model for monotonic and cyclic loading of PEEK," Mechanics of Materials, 129, 113-138 (2019). DOI:10.1016/j.mechmat.2018.11.005


  1. S Araujo*, F Bateux*, W Li*, L Buterfield*, N Delpouve, A Esposito, L Tan, J-M Saiter, and M Negahban, "A structural interpretation of the two components governing the kinetic fragility from the example of interpenetrated polymer networks," Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 56, 20, 1393-1403 (2018). DOI:10.1002/polb.24722
  2. W Li*, G Gazonas, EN Brown, PJ Rao, and M Negahban, "Characterization and Modeling of PEEK in Histories with Reverse Loading," In Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Edited by: A Arzoumanidis, M Silberstein, and A Amirkhizi, 2, 65-69 (2018). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-63393-0_11
  3. Z Chen*, W Li*, M Negahban, J-M Saiter, N Delpouve, L Tan, and Z Li, "Approaching the upper bound of load capacity: Functional grading with interpenetrating polymer networks," Journal of Materials and Design, 137, 152-163 (2018). DOI:0.1016/j.matdes.2017.10.019

Full list at: Negahban Group