Bing Chen
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
PKI 200A
Omaha NE 68182-0572 - Phone
- Full Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNL, 2014-present
- Full Professor, Dept. of Computer and Electronics Engineering, UNL, 1981-2014
- President, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association, 2012
- Chairman, Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering, UNL, June 2004-September 2012
- Interim Chair, Dept of Computer and Electronics Engineering, UNL, 1997-June 2004
- Research Fellow, Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, CO, 1987
- DOE/ASEE Summer Fellowship, Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, CO, 1982-1984
- Member of Graduate Faculty, 1981-Present
- Director, Passive Solar Research Group, 1978-Present
- Associate Professor, Electronics Engineering Technology Department, UNL, 1978-1981
- Curriculum Chairman, Electronics Engineering Technology Department, UNL, 1973-1976
- Assistant Professor, E.E.T. Department, 1968-1978
- Instructor, Department of Electrical Engineering, UNL, 1967-1968
- Research Engineer, Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA, 1967
- Professional Engineer, State of Nebraska
Scientific and Professional Memberships:
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association (ECEDHA)
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1978
- M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1969
- B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1967
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
Teaching Specializations:
- Control Systems
In the News: Powered by the
Oct 19, 2020: ECE faculty Chen & Varner honored for 55 years' service to university
Dec 12, 2007: College Announces First-Quarter Top Grantees
Nov 04, 2007: UNL earns $3 million grant to launch robotics curriculum for schools
- Heated Bridge Deck System and Materials and Method for Constructing the Same, Patent: US #6,825,444, Nov. 2004, Institution, United States of America
Honors and Awards
- 1985-1990: Diamond Professor and holder of the Cheryl Prewett chair, College of Engineering and Technology
- 1982: Great Teacher Award, College of Engineering and Technology
- Senior Person: NSF SBIR Phase I ($150k) - #0945280
- SBIR Phase I: Commercialization of the CEENBoT Educational Platform for K-16
- 1/1/2010-6/30/2010
- Principal Investigator: NCESR ($108k)
- Full Scale Building Cooling Demonstration of a Fully Passive Solar - Chimney Powered Utilizing Earth Contact Heat Exchangers
- 2008-2009
- Principal Investigator: NSF DR-K12 ($3M) - #0733228
- SPIRIT 2.0: Silicon Prairie Initiative for Robotics in Information Technology 2.0
- 1/1/2008-12/31/2012
- Principal Investigator: NSF ITEST ($1.2M) - #0525111
- SPIRIT: Silicon Prairie Initiative on Robotics in IT
- 1/1/2006-12/31/2009
- Principal Investigator: NSF CCLI A&I ($160k) - #0511639
- Vertical Integration of the TekBot Learning Platform into Computer and Electronics Engineering Programs at the University of Nebraska
- 9/15/2005-8/31/2008
Selected Publications
- Narazaki, K., Berg, K., Stergiou, N., Chen, B. (2008) Physiological demands of competitive basketball. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, April 2008.
- Sash, R., Detloff, H., Chen, B., Grandgenett, N., Duran, D. (2006) Work in Progress: Retention of Freshmen Computer and Electronics Engineering Students. Frontiers in Education Conference, San Diego, CA, October 2006.
- Henkel, J., Chen, B., Liu, M., Wang, G. (2004) Analysis, Design and Testing of an Earth Contact Cooling Tube for Fresh Air Conditioning. Proceedings of ASME Solar Conference, ISEC2004-65086, Portland, OR, June 2004.
- Wang, G., Chen, B., Liu, M., Henkel, J., Raulin, S. (2004) Analysis, Design and Preliminary Testing of Solar Chimney for Residential Air-Conditioning Applications. Proceedings of ASME Solar Conference, ISEC2004-65093, Portland, OR, June 2004.
- Yehia, S., Tuan, C., Ferdon, D., Chen, B. (2000) Conductive Concrete Overlay for Bridge DeckDeicing: Mixture Proportionizing, Optimization, and Properties. ACI Materials Journal, March-April 2000, pp 172-181.
- Chen, B., Clark, D., Maloney, J., Mei, W.N., Kasher, J. (1995) Measurement of Night Sky Emissivity in Determining Radiant Cooling from Cool Storage Roofs and Roof Ponds. Proceedings of American Solar Energy Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 1995.
- Girgis, A., Chen, B. (1992) Design of Programmable Fir Digital Filter to Optimize the Detection of Signals Embedded in White Noise. Proceedings of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, New York, NY, May 1992.
- Chen, B., Bonsell, J., Bourne, R. (1990) Conceptualization of Utilizing a Water Source Heat Pump with Cool Storage Roofs. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the American Solar Energy Society, Austin, TX, March 1990.
- Bourne, R., Chen, B. (1989) Full Year Performance Simulation of a Direct-Cooled Thermal Storage Roof (DCTSR) in the Midwest. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the American Solar Energy Society, Denver, CO, June 1989.
- Chen, B., Kahser, J., Guenther, R., Maloney, J., Kratochvil, J. (1988) Modeling of the Radiative, Convective and Evaporative Heat Transfer Mechanisms of the Nebraska Modified Roof Pond for the Determination of Cooling Performance Curves. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the American Solar Energy Society, MIT, Cambridge, MA, June, 1988.
- Chen, B., Mazuk, D., Anderson, D., Pearson, J. (1986) Alternative Control and Communication Strategies for Use in Solar Power Towers. Proceedings from the Combined 1986 Passive Solar Conference and Annual American Solar Energy Society Meeting, Denver, CO, June 1986.
- Chen, B., Hollingsworth, E., Pedersen, K.E., Maloney, J., Stangl, D., Thorp, J., Rives, J., Path to Passive: Nebraska's Passive Solar Primer, Solar Energy Associates, Ltd., Omaha, NE, Circa 1982. (view)