Chun-Hsing Ho
Associate Professor Durham School Arch Engr & Const University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
KH A405G
Lincoln NE 68588-0684 - Phone
Associate Professor, Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 08/2022-present
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Construction Management, and Environmental Engineering, Northern Arizona University, 07/2018-07/2022
Assistnt Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Construction Management, and Environmental Engineering, Northern Arizona University, 08/2012-06/2018
Civil Engineering Instructor, Civil Engineering Graphics Program, Lake Washington Institute of Technology, 02/2010~07/2012
Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the University of Utah , 08/2006~ 01/31/2010
Senior Civil Engineer and Project Manager, Kaohsiung International Airport, Taiwan, 08/2002~08/2004
Senior Civil Engineer, Taiwan Railway Administration, Taiwan, 07/1997-08/2002
Field Engineer, Yi-Cheng Construction Inc., 03/1992~07/1996
Civil Engineer I (entry level), Chung-Yuan Engineering Consulting Inc. Taiwan, 09/1991-02/1992
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Application of autonomous driving systems in the microtransit services and highway infrastructure systems
- Sustainability and resilience of construction materials and civil infrastructure systems
- Instrumented bikes: smart wheels in sensing and tracking the quality of bike trails as part of applications in cyber-physical systems
- Intelligent sensing and network technologies for day to day maintenance and operation for civil infrastructure systems and safety measure for connected construction environment
- Machine learning based and computing algorithms to optimize design and construction processes of civil infrastructure systems
- Leverage data to enhance the resilience of civil infrastructure systems and built environment under the effect of climate change
Research Profiles:
Academic Degrees
- PhD, Civil Engineering, University of Utah
- PhD, PE
About Chun-Hsing (Jun) Ho
Dr. Chun-Hsing (Jun) Ho received his Ph.D. degree in civil engineering from the University of Utah in 2010 with an emphasis on construction materials and pavement systems. His research brings together emerging technologies using engineering principles, innovative construction materials, Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, computing algorithms, sensing, and GIS mapping to provide a variety of analysis methods that allow his research team to better assess the performance of civil infrastructure systems and built environment under the effect of extreme events. Prior to joining the faculty at UNL, Dr. Ho worked for Northern Arizona University in the Department of Civil Engineering, Construction Management and Environmental Engineering as Associate Professor for 10 years. Dr. Ho has 20 years of work experience from industry and academia in the areas of building construction, railroad engineering, airport engineering, and pavement engineering. Dr. Ho is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Washington.
Honors and Awards
- Holling Family Distinguished Senior Faculty Teaching Award, offered by the College of Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 03/25/2024.
- Best Oral Presentation Award, for the paper titled ‘Vibration Data Mining and Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection of Cycling Trails Using Instrumented Bike’ at the 9th International Conference on Big Data Analytics held on March 14-16, 2024 in Tokyo Japan.
- Fulbright US-Tampere University Award, awarded by US Department of State, US Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and the Finland Fulbight Foundation. 02/07/2024.
- The Student Poster Competition at 2022 Arizona Pavements/Materials Conference, Overall Second place award (First place award in the undergraduate student category), faculty advisor, organized by the Arizona DOT, Arizona State University, the Federal Highway Administration, 11/16-17, 2022, Tempe, AZ
- The Student Poster Competition at 2021 Arizona Pavements/Materials Conference, Overall Second place award (First place award in undergraduate student category), faculty advisor, virtually organized by the Arizona DOT, Arizona State University, the Federal Highway Administration, 11/17-18, 2021, Tempe, AZ
- The Student Poster Competition at 2021 Arizona Pavements/Materials Conference, Third place award (graduate student category), faculty advisor, virtually organized by the Arizona DOT, Arizona State University, the Federal Highway Administration, 11/17-18, 2021, Tempe, AZ
- Featured in METRANs News (Research Highlight) Issue: July 2021. (
- Featured in Spring Newsletter 2021 as an Educator Aluminous issued by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Utah (
- Gold Level Achievement (the highest achievement) award, Sigma Lambda Chi Student Chapter advisor, March 2019.
- Featured in an Arizona Technology Council’s magazine, fall issue, 2018:
- Best Student Paper Award at the 2018 IEEE International Symposium in Sensing and Instrumentation in IoT Era (ISSI), faculty advisor, 09/06-09/07, 2018, Shanghai, China.
- PI, The Effect of Nighttime Lighting Systems on Workers’ Visibility and Safety, funded by Federal Highway Administration Pooled Fund Program: The Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative, lead agency: Iowa DOT, $79,996. 09/01/2024-11/30/2025.
- PI, Evaluation of Low-Temperature Cracking (LTC) Performance Testing Methods to Assess Nebraska Asphalt Mixtures, funded by Nebraska DOT, $152,382. 07/01/2024-05/31/2026.
- PI, Effect of Nighttime Lighting on Construction Workers’ Safety, funded by Nebraska DOT, $147,497. 07/01/2024-05/31/2026.
- Co-PI, Assessing Transportation Infrastructure Segments for Bike Suitability. Subcontract from USDOT University Transportation Center, Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility. Lead University: The Citadel, SC. UNL PI: Nathan Huynh. $50,000. 06/01/2023-09/30/2024
- Co-PI, Integration-Large: Husker-Net: Open Nebraska End-to-End Wireless Edge Networks, funded by National Science Foundation, PI: Qiung Li. 10/01/2023-09/31/2025, $875,000.
- PI, Leverage Vibration Data to Improve Highway Infrastructure Rideability and Roughness Prediction: Towards Advanced Integration of Vehicle Based Sensing and Full Car Model (Phase II), funded by US Department of Homeland Security. 03/01/2022-02/28/2023. $84,944 ($50,000+cost share $34,944).
- PI, Development of Instrumented Bikes: Toward Smart Cycling Infrastructure and Maintenance, funded by the US Department of Transportation: 08/16/2021-08/15/2022. $200,442($99,996+ cost share $100,446).
- PI, Summer Research Team Program: Integration of vehicle based sensing and vehicle dynamic model in evaluating resilience of highway infrastructure (Phase I), funded by the US Department of Homeland Security. 06/01/2021-08/06/2021. $24,000
- Co-PI, NAU Research Equipment Acquisition Program (REAP) Award: TA Instruments Discovery Series Differential Scanning Calorimeter/Thermogravimetric Analyzer. 11/2020-10/2021. $96,200.
- PI, Development of Cost-Effective Sensing Systems and Analytics (CeSSA) to Monitor Roadway Conditions and Mobility Safety. Funded by the US Department of Transportation: 01/06/2020-01/05/2021. $183,276 ($91,638 + cost share $91,638).
- PI, Craig Roberts Graduate Student Fellowship, sponsored by University Transportation Center Pacific South Region 9. 08/26/2019-05/08/2021. $105,000. Three projects were sponsored:
- Application of Light Weight Deflectometer in Field Measurements of Geogrid Reinforced Roads
- Using Time Series Analysis and Fast Fourier Transform to Analyze Pavement Sensing Patterns For Condition Assessments
- Machine Learning Application to Optimize the Determination of Pavement Deterioration
- PI, NAU VPR’s Research Bridge Seed Grant Program. “Development of vehicle-based sensing technology and algorithm to advance pavement condition assessments”. 01/01/2019-12/31/2019 $15,000.
- Co-PI, Arizona Board of Regents Innovation Fund: “Arizona Tri-University Transportation Research Center Pilot Research: Resiliency and Sustainability of Infrastructure Systems in the Phoenix Mega Region” (08/01/2016-07/31/2018). $295,000 allocated to Northern Arizona University.
Selected Publications
- Ho, C. -H. and Ren, K., "Vibration Data Mining and Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection of Cycling Trails Using Instrumented Bike," 2024 9th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA), Tokyo, Japan, 2024, pp. 123-127, doi: 10.1109/ICBDA61153.2024.10607239
- Zhang, D., & Ho, C. H. (2024). Distribution fitting and ANOVA test to analyze pavement sensing patterns for condition assessments. Built Environment Project and Asset Management.
- Ho, C. H., Qiu, P., Zhang, Y., & Ren, K. (2024). A Generic Deep Learning–Based Computing Algorithm in Support of the Development of Instrumented Bikes. ASCE OPEN: Multidisciplinary Journal of Civil Engineering, 2(1), 04024003.
- Ho, C.H., Zhang, D., & Snyder, M. (2023, July). State-of-The-Art Pavement Sensing Technology to Evaluate the Effect of Climate Change on Resilient Performance of Highway Infrastructure Systems: A Pilot Study in the Phoenix Region. In International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (pp. 469-479). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Ho, C.-H.; DeGeyter, J.; Zhang, D. Five-Year Performance Evaluation of Geogrid Reinforcement in Low-Volume Unpaved Roads Using Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, Plate Load Test and Roadway Sensing. Geotechnics 2023, 3, 306-319.
- Zhang, D., Ho, C.H., and Zhang, F. (2023). Evaluating the impact of factors in vehicle based pavement sensing implementation: sensor placement, pavement temperature, speed, and threshold, Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience, 4, 1 (2023),
- Ho, C.H., Abdelaziz, A., Zhang, D and Zhao, P. (2022). Mitigating excavation-induced surface settlement and building tilting: a case study. Proceeding in the 11th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields (BCRRA 2022). 28-30 June 2022 in Trondheim, Norway. DOI: 10.1201/9781003222897-30
- Ho, C.H., Qiu, P., Gao, J., and Zhang, Y. (2022). A Generic Machine Learning Based Technique in Support of Development of Instrumented Bike: Toward Automatically Real-time Cracks/Potholes Classification & Localization. In the proceedings of 2022 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (#TRBAM-22-00647).
- Zhang, D., Ho, C.H., and Zhang, F. (2022). Evaluating the Impact of Factors in Vehicle Based Pavement Sensing Implementation: sensor placement, pavement temperature, speed, and threshold. In the proceedings of 2022 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRBAM-22-01558).
- Barbieri, D.M., Hoff, I. & Ho, C.H. (2021). Crushed rocks stabilized with organosilane and lignosulfonate in pavement unbound layers: Repeated load triaxial tests. Front. Structure and CivilEngineering. 2021, 5(2): 412-424.
- Ho, C. H., Gao, J., Snyder, M., & Qiu, P. (2021). Development and Application of Instrumented Bicycle and Its Sensing Technology in Condition Assessments for Bike Trails. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 27(3), 04021027.
- Zhao, P. He, Y., Li, S., Ho, C.H., Zhu, S., Kong, X., and Barbieri, D.M. (2021). Mechanical Properties and Energy Dissipation Characteristics of Coal–Rock-like Composite Materials Subjected to Different Rock–Coal Strength Ratios. Natural Resources Research, 30(3), 2179-2193.
- Zhao, P. Zhuo, R., Li, S. Shu, C.M., Jia, Y., Lin, H., Chang, Z, Ho, C.H., Bin, L, Xiao, P. (2021), Fractal characteristics of methane migration channels in inclined coal seams, Energy, 2021, 120127, ISSN 0360-5442,
- Passavanti, M., Argentieri, A. Barbieri, D.M., Lou, B., Wijayaratna, K., Mirhosseini, A.S.F, Wang, F., Naseri, S., Qamhia, I., Tangerås, M., Pelliciari, M., and Ho, C.H. (2021). The psychological impact of COVID-19 and restrictive measures in the world, Journal of Affective Disorders, 283:36-51,
- Gao, J., Ho, C.H., Wiese, I., Zhang, D., and Gerosa, M. (2021). The Pavement Condition Assessment and Prediction System based on Machine Learning Technology. In the proceedings of 2021 Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board in Washington D.C. TRBAM-21-03949.
- Zhang, D., Ho, C.H., and Zhang, F. (2021). Using Regression Analysis and Distribution Fitting to Analyze Pavement Sensing Patterns for Condition Assessments. In the proceedings of 2021 Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board in Washington D.C. TRBAM-21-04008.
- Abdelaziz, A., and Ho, C.H. (2020). Evaluating the effect of freeze-thaw cycles on the performance of asphalt mixtures using finite element analysis and KENPAVE. In the proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Infrastructure, Tainan, Taiwan, 22-24 Oct, 2020.
- Long, J., Ho, C.H., Zhang, Z., Ren, K., and Yang, Y. (2020). Laboratory Evaluation on Performance of Polymer-Bentonite-Based Roadway Subgrade. In the proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Infrastructure, Tainan, Taiwan, 22-24 Oct, 2020.
- Zhao, P, Liu, H., Li, S., Ho, C.H., Qin, L., Jia, Y., Yan, M., and Han, Y. (2020). Exploring the adsorption and diffusion characteristics of tectonic coal at different mass ratios based on the specific surface Gibbs function. Powder technology, 36:604-611.
- Sun, X. Y., Ho, C. H., Li, C., Xia, Y., & Zhang, Q. Inclination effect of coal mine strata on the stability of loess land slope under the condition of underground mining. Natural Hazards (2020),
- Ho, C.H., Snyder, M., and Zhang, D. (2020). Application of Vehicle-Based Sensing Technology in Monitoring Vibration Response of Pavement Conditions, Journal of TransportationEngineering, Part B: Pavements, ASCE, 2020, 146(3): 04020053,
- Liu, Z., Fan, A., and Ho, C.H., (2020). Preparation of AC/Cu-BTC Composite and Its Adsorption Mechanisms, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 2020, 146(4): 04020018,
- Zhao, P., Liu, H., Ho, C.H., Li, S., Liu, Y. Lin, H, and Yang, M. (2020). Evaluating Methane Adsorption Characteristics of Coal-Like Materials, Journal of Materials, 13(3): 751.
- Ho, C.H., DeGeyter, J. Cui, Y. (2020). Field Performance and Evaluation of Geogrid Reinforcement in Low Volume Unpaved Roads: Four-Year Field Observation, in the proceedings of Annual Conference of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 13-16, 2020.
- Wu, Z. Ho, C.H., and Huang, J. (2019). Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Co-Polymer Based Dust Suppressant Mixed with Poorly Sand. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 603 (2019) 052044, http://doi:10.1088/1757-899X/603/5/052044
- Mirhosseini A. F., Tahami, S. A. Hoff, I. Dessouky, S., Ho, C. H. (2019). Performance evaluation of asphalt mixtures containing high-RAP binder content and bio-oil rejuvenator. Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 227 (10):116465, 2019.
- Zhao, P., Zhuo, R., Li, S. Ho, C.H, Lin, H, and Liu, H. (2019). Research on the effect of coal seam inclination on gas migration channels at fully mechanized coal mining face, ArabianJournal of Geoscience, 12: 597. Springer,
- Ho, C. H., Chivens, K., Floyd, S., Barger, J., Avina, K., & Geier, M. (2019). Preliminary evaluation of concrete-rock interface behavior under the action of freeze-thaw cycles. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 92, p. 13012). EDP Sciences.
- Ho, C. H., Wu, Z., Zhang, Z., Zhao, P., & Huang, J. (2019). Using Co-polymers to Improve Soil Strength and Mitigate Fugitive Dust Emissions: Laboratory Evaluation. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 92, p. 11013). EDP Sciences.
- Zhao, P., Li, S., Ho, C.H., Lin, H., and Zhuo R. (2019). Research on crack propagation and material characteristics of rock-like specimens subject to different loading rates. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 31(7): 0401911.
- Ho, C.H., and Martin Linares, C.P. (2019). Determining the Number of Specimen Replicates in Support of Pavement Construction using the AASHTO TP125 Standard. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, ASCE, 145(2): 04019009.
- Ho, C.H., Qiu, P., Wen, S., Liu, X., Snyder, M., and Winfree, K. (2019). Development of Instrumented Bicycle and Mobile Applications to Perform Cloud-Based Pavement Condition Management for Bike Roads. Proceedings of 2019 Annual Conference of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 13-17, 2019.
- Abdelaziz, A., Ho, C. H., Shan, J., & Almonnieay, A. (2019). Effect of freeze-thaw cycles on fatigue cracking and rutting of asphalt pavements. In Pavement and Asset Management (pp. 199-205). CRC Press.
- He, Z., & Ho, C. H. (2019). An improved clustering algorithm based on finite Gaussian mixture model. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(17), 24285-24299.
Recent Presentations
- Tran, N. and Ho, C.H. Evaluation of transportation inequity in rural Nebraska, accepted for presentation at National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) on April 13-15, 2023 on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
- Ho, C.H. Development and application of instrumented bike in cycling facility management. Invited presentation in the Tran-SET Webinar Series with a theme: Use of Wireless Technologies for Transportation Infrastructure Management, organized by Transportation Consortium of South Central States (Tran-SET), September 13, 2022.
- Ho, C.H., Devany, J., Lopez, M., Liu X, and Al-Qadi I. Integration of Vehicle-Based Sensing and Full-Car Model in Predicting Pavement Roughness. Presented at the International Conference on Transportation and Development (ICTD) and ASCE Automated People Movers and Automated Transit Systems (AMP-ATS) Conference, May 30-June 4, 2022 in Seattle.
- Ho, C.H., Devany, J., and Lopez. Effect of Climate Change on Performance of Highway Pavements: A Year-Long Pavement Sensing Data Study in the Phoenix Region, presented at the 1stInternational Data Science for Pavements Symposium (DSPS22), March 22-24, 2022 at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center in McLean, Virginia, USA.
- Ho, C.H. Integration of Vehicle Mounted Accelerometers and Full Car Model in Highway Roughness Prediction, presented virtually at the 2021 Transportation Research Congress, Beijing, China, November 6-7, 2021.
- Ho, C.H., Devany, J., and Lopez, M. Integration of Vehicle-Based Sensing and Vehicle Dynamic Model in Evaluating Resilience of Highway Infrastructure, CIRI’ DHS Summer Research Team Workshop. Virtual Presentation, August 3, 2021 held by the Critical Infrastructure Resilient Institute of the Department of Homeland Security.
- Gao, J. and Ho, C-H. Application of Machine Learning Based Technology in Pavement Condition Assessment and Prediction. Poster Presentation at the Annual Workshop of International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Professionals (virtual meeting), 01/17/2021.
- Zhang, D. and Ho, C-H., Pavement Condition Assessment Using Regression Analysis and Distribution Fitting Model through Pavement Sensing Patterns. Poster Presentation at the Annual Workshop of International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Professionals (virtual meeting), 01/17/2021.
- Ni, M., Tan, H.R., Deng, Z., Wang, Y., and Ho, C-H. Instrumented Bike: Smart Wheels. Poster Presentation at the NAU 12th annual Undergraduate Symposium, April 24, 2020.
- Zhang, D, and Ho, C.H. Using Fast Fourier Transform and Time Series Analysis to Maintain the Transportation Infrastructure, presented at 10th Annual Workshop of the International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Professionals, January 12, 2020 in Washington D.C.
- Yang, Y., and Ho, C.H. Application of Light Weight Deflectometer in Field Measurements of Unpaved Roads, presented at 10th Annual Workshop of the International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Professionals, January 12, 2020 in Washington D.C.
- Ho, C.H. Application of geogrids in improvement of unpaved roads, invited presentation in a seminar at Xian Shuyu University, Xian, Shaanxi Province, China, November 14, 2019.
- Ho, C.H. Dust Emission Control Technology, invited presentation in a seminar at Xinjiang Institute of Mining Science and Technology, Urumqi, Province of Xinjiang, China, November 7, 2019.
- Ho, C.H. Application of vehicle based sensing and algorithms in pavement condition survey, invited presentation in a faculty seminar at Yuncheng University, Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, China, November 1, 2019
- Ho, C.H. Introduction to higher education and class management at Northern Arizona University, invited presentation in a faculty seminar at Yuncheng University, Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, China, October 31, 2019.
- Chen, G., Fang, P., Zhang, A., Zhang, J. Ho, C.H., and Winfree, K. Instrumented Bike Share Project Team 1. Poster Presentation at the NAU 11th annual Undergraduate Symposium, April 24, 2019.
- Gao, J., Zheng, L., Dong, Y., Li, X., Ho, C.H., and Winfree, K. Instrumented Bike Share Project Team 2. Poster Presentation at the NAU 11th annual Undergraduate Symposium, April 24, 2019.
- Ho, C.H., Qiu, P., Wen, S., Liu, X., Snyder, M. Instrumented Bicycles: Sensing and Promoting Cycling Mobility. Presented at 7th Wavelength Conference, Loughborough University, England, March 25 - 27, 2019.
- Ho, C.H., Snyder, M., and Abdelaziz, A. Sensing and Mapping Pavement Cracks. Presented at 7th Wavelength Conference, Loughborough University, England, March 25 - 27, 2019.
- Ho, C.H. Application of an ASTM C666 apparatus with modifications in testing freeze-thaw resistance of construction materials. Invited presentation in the Transportation Engineering Seminar at the University of Nottingham, UK, March 20, 2019.
- Ho, C.H. Applications of Dust Control Technology in Fugitive Emissions Mitigation. Seminar presentation at Xian University of Science and Technology, Xian, China. January 3, 2019.