Fadi Alsaleem
Associate Professor Durham School Arch Engr & Const University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
PKI 105C
Omaha NE 68182-0816 - Phone
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Neuromorphic computing
- Smart Building
Research Profiles:
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering; State University of New York at Binghamton (2009)
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering; State University of New York at Binghamton (2007)
- G.C., Mechatronics Engineering; American University of Sharjah, UAE (2006)
- B.S., Mechatronics Engineering;The Hashemite University, Jordan (2003)
- Alsaleem, F., et al., Diagnosing Peripheral arterial disease from gait acceleration measurements, Patent application 63/476,862, 2022.
- Alsaleem, F., Hasan, M. , Rafaie, M. Neuromorphic computing using electrostatic mems devices, 11,314,210, 2022.
- Alsaleem, F., Hasan, M., Artificial intelligence-based analog sensors and wearable devices incorporating the same, US20220041433A1, 2022.
- Alsaleem, F., Remotely testing whether a climate control system controller is correctly installed, 11,366,461, 2022.
- Gariety, M., Fullenkamp, P., and Alsaleem, F, “Low Charge Detection System for Cooling Systems,” US patent application # 2020.
- Alsaleem, F., and Hasan, M.3, “Systems and Methods for Reducing the Actuation Voltage for Electrostatic MEMS Devices,” US Patent 10,771,040, 2020.
- Alsaleem, F. and Hemmelgarn, G., “Method of Monitoring Charge Condition of Heat Pump System,” US Patent 10,443,863, 2019.
- Alsaleem, F., “Building Envelope and Interior Grading Systems and Methods,” US Patent 10,352,783, 2019.
- Alsaleem, F., “Heat Pump and Air Conditioning Grading Systems and Methods,” US Patent 10,344,997, 2019.
- Abiprojo, P., and Alsaleem, F., “HVAC System Air filter Diagnostics and Monitoring,” US Patent 10,309,677, 2019.
- Alsaleem, F. and Hemmelgarn, G., “Heat-Pump System with Refrigerant Charge Diagnostics,” US Patent 9,765,979, 2017.
- Arensmeier, J., Hemmelgarn, G., Alsaleem, F., and Abiprojo, P., “HVAC System Remote Monitoring and Diagnosis,” US Patent 9,638,436, 2017.
- Pham, H. and Alsaleem, F., “Compressor Having A Control and Diagnostic Module,” US Patent 9,762,168, 2017.
- Alsaleem, F. and Rao A., “Adaptive Predictive Functional Controller,” US Patent 8,996,141, 2015.
Recent news
- My favorite part of this job is sharing my student success :
Mostafa Rafaie (Ms., 2018): Director of Data Science at Mutual of Omaha
Mohammad Hasan (Ph.D., 2020): Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department,
California Polytechnic State University
Ali Al-Ramini (Ms., 2020, Ph.D., expected 2023): Data Scientist Internship at Mutual of Omaha
Mehari K. Tesfay (Ph.D., 2022): Energy Data Scientist | ML-SkySpark
Mohammad Ali Takallou (Ph.D., expected 2023): Associate Data Scientist at Mutual of Omaha
- (2022) Our research lab welcomed, a post-doc (Dr. Mehari Tesfay ), and four new Ph.D. students ( Sulaiman Mohaidat, Mohammad Megdady, Abdallah Al-Zu’bi, Mohammad Okour; all coming from Jordan University Science and Technology).
- (December 2021) Mehari defended his PhD work “Multilevel Data-Driven Framework for Operating HVAC Systems to Optimize Energy and Comfort in Modern Buildings”.
- (Novomber 2021) Our team working with a lead industry company has received multi-millions in funding from a federal funding agency to develop the first MEMS-based analog computer
- (October 2021) Our project “Dual External Leak Sensing and Monitoring for Dry Storage Canister”, led by Jinying Zhu in Civil is funded by $800,000 from the Department of Energy
- (July 2021) Our project, "Machine learning applications for gait signatures in patients with peripheral artery disease” was selected for funding through the Nebraska System Collaboration Initiative
- (2021) Our project, "Manufacturing of a Shape Memory Alloy Actuator to Enable an Active Wearable Ankle-Foot Orthosis” was selected for funding through Voelte-Keegan Bioengineering UNL program
- (2021) Our team ranked among the top 10 teams in the 2021 XPRIZE global pandemic response challenge, XPRIZE Nebraska team
- (December 2020) Our research group member, Mohammad Hasan finished his Ph.D. degree and joined Columbus State University as an assistant professor in 2021
- (June 2020) Our project, "Quantifying Social Isolation and Healthy Coping Strategies Using Fitness App Data” was selected for funding through the Office of Research and Innovation COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Program
- (June 2020) Our work of using fever data, social media, and bike count to predict COVID-19 spread was featured at multiple news outlets (https://www.1011now.com/content/news/UNL-researchers-using-thermometer-data-to-track-how-social-distancing-impacts-COVID-19-571117171.html) and (https://www.klkntv.com/unl-researcher-using-smart-thermometer-data-to-track-covid-spread/)
- (May 2020) Our project, "Wireless Thermometer Big Data Approach for Understanding Current COVID-19 Outbreak” was selected for funding through the Office of Research and Innovation COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Program
- (February 2020) Our research was featured as a keynote speaker event in the UNL engineering graduate student symposium.
- (November 2019) I received the Excellence in Research award from the UNL College of Engineering.
- (September 2019) A patent was issued as a sole inventor for "10,401,830, Automatic Install type information detection"
- (August 2019) Our Collaborative Research project, entitled ": Micro-Electro-Mechanical Neural Integrated Sensing and Computing Units for Wearable Device Applications," has received a grand total of $547,037 from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
- (July 2019) On the behalf of the College of Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I gave three presentations about student and research collaboration explorations with the engineering college at Jordan University of Science and Technology, the Hashemite University, and the University of Jordan.
- (July 2019) Three patents were issued; as a sole inventor for "10,344,997-Heat pump and air conditioning grading systems and methods" and "10,352,783 Home envelop and internal loading grading" and as an inventor for "10,309,677 - HVAC system air filter diagnostics and monitoring"
- (July 2019) Presented our work "Micro-Electro-Mechanical Neural Integrated Sensing and Computing Units for Wearable Device Application": at The Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology and the Department of Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo.
- (June 2019) We received a $15,000 extension from a leading HVAC company for exploring a big data approach to improve the operation of residential HVAC systems
- (May 2019) Our proposal "Micro-Neuro Computing" was being awarded $10,000.00 from the International Research Partnership Grants (IRPG) at the University of Waterloo
- (April 2019) Our paper entitled "Neuromorphic MEMS sensor network" was accepted to be published in the Applied Physics Letters journal. In this work, we discuss for the first time how a MEMS that is usually known as being a sensor can do also perform complex machine learning algorithms naturally https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5081804.
- (March 2019) On behalf of the college of engineering, I gave a presentation at the Jordanian University of Science and Technology (Jordan) about the graduate student's opportunities at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- (February 2019) I gave an invited talk about "MEMS-Enabled Bio-Inspired Network: Networks that Sense, Compute, and Actuate", at the KAUST: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
https://pse.kaust.edu.sa/events/Pages/MEMS-Enabled-Bio-Inspired-Network--Networks-that-Sense,-Compute,-and-Actuate.aspx - (February 2019) Our proposal titled "An energy-efficient, wireless integrated sensing and computing nano-micro-electro-mechanical system network" was being awarded $10,000.00 from the Layman Fund, held at the University of Nebraska Foundation
- (January 2019)We received funding for two projects $65,179 (PI) and $62,704 (Co-PI) from the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) to understand and improve bicycle routing using smartphones and wearable device data
- Mostafa Rafaie has received his master degree in Architectural Engineering and joined Mutual of Omaha as a Data scientist
- We received funding of $50K from a leading HVAC company for exploring a big data approach to improve the operation of residential HVAC systems
- Our work on novel and efficient actuation of MEMS devices has been published at very high ranked journal such as Scientific Report (Nature) and Advanced Electronics Materials:
- Our work on MEMS-based neural computing unit was published at the IEEE: Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8443098
- We are hosting the first smart building workshop at Omaha on 11/9/2018. For more information, including registration, please follow this link: https://unl-smart.github.io/SBIT2018/
- Mohammad H Hasan has received his master degree in Mechanical Engineering
Some archive news
- (October 2016), our paper "Sensitivity Study for the PMV Thermal Comfort Model and the Use of Wearable Devices Biometric Data for Metabolic Rate Estimation " has been accepted for publication at the highly ranked Journal of Building and Environment, Journal of Building and Environment comfort paper
- (October 2016), We were announced to be the winner of the CET/Argonne DOE JUMP, from among other 12 ideas, with our novel idea for using MEMS in humidity sensing, DOE JUMP winner
- (September 2016), CET/Argonne DOE JUMP campaign for humidity sensors has identified our submission as one of the top proposals that the judges are considering for a prize or technical support
- (August 2016) Our novel MEMS humidity sensor idea has been selected as 10 finalists of Lyncee Innovation Challenge 2016
About Fadi Alsaleem
Dr. Alsaleem joined the Architecture Engineering Department and the Mechanical engineering department (courtesy appointment) at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in August 2016. Previously he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Wichita State University from 2015 to 2016.
Prior to these assignments, Dr. Alsaleem worked for four years as a Senior Lead Algorithm Engineer at Emerson Climate technology, a business of Emerson, the world’s leading provider of heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration solutions for residential, industrial and commercial applications. At Emerson, Dr. Alsaleem responsibilities included developing novel (cloud-based) sensor monitoring and learning algorithms used for fault diagnostics and energy supervision for residential HVAC systems. After he earned his M.S. (2007) and Ph.D. (2009) from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at State University of New York at Binghamton, Dr. Alsaleem joined MicrostaQ Inc. (Austin, TX) for two years as a MEMS Control Engineer. In this role he developed novel control algorithms to control MEMS micro-fluidic valves in energy saving applications for different HVAC and refrigeration systems.
Dr. Alsaleem has been an active researcher in the area of Nonlinear dynamics of MEMS, Smart MEMS, IoT, Smart Building, Online monitoring and diagnostics, and Big data analysis. So far he has published more than 30 peer-reviewed conferences and journal papers. Dr. Alsaleem authored and coauthored more than 10 pending and granted patent applications in the area of MEMS adaptive control and cloud-based online monitoring and diagnostics.
Honors and Awards
- Recipient of the Excellence in Research award from the UNL College of Engineering (2019,2020)
- Outstanding performance award in the yearly Performance Management Processes at Emerson (2012 and 2013).
- Outstanding academic award in graduate studies from state university of New York at Binghamton (May 2009)
- ME travel grant to attend the SEM XI International Conference (June 2008)
- Certificate of appreciation in the Graduate Student Research Day (March 2008)
- Doctoral and Master scholarship in Mechanical Engineering from State University of New York at Binghamton, USA, cumulative amount of $150,000 (2006-2009)
- Scholarship toward Graduate certificate in Mechatronics Engineering from American University of Sharjah, UAE, approximate amount of $30,000 (2004-2006)
- King Hussein Fellowship for four years toward undergraduate degree at Hashemite University, Jordan
Total of more than $6.0 million (my portion is around $1.5 million)
- Multi-millions (UNL PI), MEMS-based Analog Computer, IARPA 11/2021-11/2023
- $800,000 (Co-PI), Dual External Leak Sensing and Monitoring for Dry Storage Canister, Department of Energy, 10/2021-10/2024
- $149,405 (UNL PI), Machine learning applications for gait signatures in patients with peripheral artery disease, Nebraska System Collaboration Initiative, 7/2021 – 7/2023.
- $10,000 (PI), Manufacturing of a Shape Memory Alloy Actuator to Enable an Active Wearable Ankle-Foot Orthosis, Voelte-Keegan Bioengineering UNL program, 3/11/21 – 12/31/21
- $19,451 (Co-PI), Quantifying Social Isolation and Healthy Coping Strategies Using Fitness App Data, the Office of Research and Innovation COVID-19 Rapid, June 25, 2020, to June 24, 2021
- $17,094 (PI), Wireless Thermometer Big Data Approach for Understanding Current COVID-19 Outbreak, the Office of Research and Innovation COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Program, June 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021
- $547,037 (Lead PI), Micro-Electro-Mechanical Neural Integrated Sensing and Computing Units for Wearable Device Application, NSF, (2019-2022)
- $15,000 (PI), Funding extension; Superheat Controller Big Data Analysis, an HVAC industry leader company (2019)
- $10,000 (Co-PI), Micro-Neuro Computing", The International Research Partnership Grants (IRPG) at the University of Waterloo (2019)
- $10,000 (PI), An energy-efficient, wireless integrated sensing and computing nano-micro-electro-mechanical system network", the Layman Fund, held at the University of Nebraska Foundation (2019-2020)
- $62,704 (Co-PI), Investing in Bicycle Infrastructure to Spur Statewide Economic Growth Through Bicycle Tourism, NDOT (2019-2020)
- $65,179 (PI), A Big Data Approach for Improving Nebraska Cycling Routes, NDOT (2019-2020)
- $50,000 (PI), Superheat Controller Big Data Analysis, an HVAC industry leader company (2018 -2019)
- $20,000 (PI) MEMS Oscillator to Measure Relative Humidity, DOE- Argonne National Laboratory (2016-2017)
- $51,820 (PI), Transport Data Analysis and Failure Prediction, Emerson Climate Technology, (2016-2017)
- $4,500 (PI), Enhanced Mann-Kendall trending analysis for low refrigerant detection, Research Creative Project Award, Kansas State award, (2016)
Selected Publications
Journal Publications
- Al-Ramini, A., Hassan, M., Fallahtafti, F., Takallou, M.A., Rahman, H., Qolomany, B.; Pipinos, I.I., Alsaleem, F., Myers, S.A. Machine Learning-Based Peripheral Artery Disease Identification Using Laboratory-Based Gait Data. Sensors 2022, 22, 7432. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22197432
- Al-Ramini, A., Takallou, M. A., Piatkowski, D. P., & Alsaleem, F. (2022). Quantifying changes in bicycle volumes using crowdsourced data. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 49(6), 1612–1630. https://doi.org/10.1177/23998083211066103
- Emad-Un-Din, M, Jafari, R., Hasan, M.,Pourkamali, S., Muhammad, and Alsaleem, F., Simulation for a MEMS-based CTRNN Ultra-Power Implementation of Human Activity Recognition, Frontiers in Digital Health-Connected Health, accepted in 2021.
- Hasan, M.,Abbasalipour, A., Nikfarjam, H., Pourkamali, S., Muhammad, Emad-Un-Din, M., Jafari, R., Alsaleem, F., Exploiting Pull-in/Pull-out Hysteresis in Electrostatic MEMS Sensor Networks to Realize A novel Sensing Continuous-time Recurrent Neural Network, Micromachines, vol.12 (3), 268, 2021. (Impact factor: 2.891).
- Hasan, M., Alramini, A., Abdel-Rahman, E., Jafari, R., Alsaleem, F., Colocalized Sensing and Intelligent Computing in Micro-Sensors, Sensors, vol.20 (21), pp.6346; https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216346, 2020. (Impact factor: 3.576).
- Alsaleem, F., Mehari K., Rafaie, M.,Sinkar, K., Besarla, D., Arunasalam, P., “An IoT Framework for Modeling and Controlling Thermal Comfort in Buildings,” Frontiers in Built Environment.vol.6(87), doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2020.00087, 2020. (Impact factor: 2.2).
- Ouakad, H., Hasan, M., Jaber, N., Hafiz, M., Alsaleem, F., and Younis, I., “On the Double Resonance Activation of Electrostatically Actuated Microbeam Based Resonators,” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanic, vol. 121, pp.103437, 2020.(Impact factor: 2.985).
- Rafaie, M., Hasan M., Alsaleem F., “Neuromorphic MEMS Sensor Network,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.114 (16), pp.163501, 2019. (Impact factor: 3.791).
- Hafiz, M., Jaber, N., Kazmi, S., Hassan, M., Alsaleem, F., S. Ilyas, and Younis, “Efficient Excitation of Micro/Nano Resonators and Their Higher-Order Modes,” Nature: Scientific Reports, vol.9 (1), 319, 2019. (Impact factor: 4.379).
- Hafiz, M., Jaber, N., Kazmi, S., Hassan, M., Alsaleem, F., and Younis, M., “Efficient Activation of Nanomechanical Resonators,” Advanced Electronics Materials, 5 (1), 1800356, 2019. (Impact factor: 7.295).
- Hassan, M., Alsaleem, F., Ramini, A., Voltage and Deflection Amplification via Double Resonance Excitation in a Cantilever Microstructure, Sensors, v.19 (2), 380, 2019. (Impact factor: 3.576).
- Alsaleem, F. Hassan, M., and Tesfay, M., “A MEMS Nonlinear Dynamic Approach for Neural Computing,” J. Microelectromech. Syst, 2018. (Impact factor: 2.48).
- Hasan, M., Alsaleem, F., Jaber, Nizar, Hafiz, Md Abdullah Al, Younis, I., “Simultaneous Electrical and Mechanical Resonance Drive for Large Signal Amplification of Micro Resonators,” AIP Advances, vol. 8(1), pp.5312, 2018. (Impact factor: 1.58).
- Tesfay, M.,Alsaleem, F., Arunasalam, P., and Rao A, “Adaptive-model Predictive Control of Electronic Expansion Valves with Adjustable Setpoint for Evaporator Superheat Minimization,” Building and Environment, vol.133, April 2018, pp.151-160, 2018. (Impact factor: 6.456).
- Hasan, M., Alsaleem, F., Ouakad, H., “Novel Threshold Pressure Sensors Based on Nonlinear Dynamics of MEMS Resonators,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol.28(6), pp. 65007-18, 2018. (Impact factor: 1.881).
- Hasan, M., Alsaleem, F., Mostafa R.,2 “Sensitivity Study for the PMV Thermal Comfort Model and the Use of Wearable Devices Biometric Data for Metabolic Rate Estimation, Building and Environment,” vol. 110, pp.173-183, 2016. (Impact factor: 6.456).
- Younis, M., and Ouakad, H., and Alsaleem, F., “Dynamic Response of an Electrostatically Actuated Microbeam to Drop-Table Test,” J. Micromech. Microeng, vol.22, 2012. (Impact factor: 1.881).
- Alsaleem, F. and Younis, M., “Integrity Analysis of Electrically Actuated Resonators with Delayed Feedback Controller,” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol.133 (3), 2011. (Impact factor: 1.372).
- Alsaleem, F., Younis, M., and Ruzziconi, L., “An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Dynamic Pull-in in MEMS Resonators Actuated Electrostatically,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol.19 (4), pp.794-806, 2010. (Impact factor: 2.48).
- Ibrahim, M., Younis, and Alsaleem, F., “An Investigation into the Effects of Electrostatic and Squeeze-Film Non-linearities on the Shock Spectrum of Microstructures,” International Journal of Non- Linear Mechanics, 45 (8), 2010. (Impact factor: 2.313).
- Younis, M., Ouakad, H., Alsaleem, F., Miles,R., Cui, C., “Nonlinear Dynamics of MEMS Arches Under Harmonic Electrostatic Actuation, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems vol.19 (3), pp. 647-656, 2010. (Impact factor: 2.48).
- Alsaleem, F. and Younis, M., “Stabilization of Electrostatic MEMS Resonators Using a Delayed Feedback Controller,” Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, vol.9(3), 2010. (Impact factor: 3.585).
- Alsaleem, F. and Younis, M., “A Study for the Effect of the PCB Motion on the Dynamics of MEMS Devices Under Mechanical Shock," Journal of Microelectromechanical systems, vol.18 (13), 2009. (Impact factor: 2.48).
- Alsaleem, F., Younis, M., and Ouakad, H., “On the Nonlinear Resonances and Dynamic Pull-in of Electrostatically Actuated Resonators,” J. Micromech. Microeng, vol.19, 2009.(Impact factor: 1.881).
- Younis, M. and Alsaleem, F., “Exploration of New Concepts for Mass Detection in Electrostatically-Actuated Structures Based on Nonlinear Phenomena,”Journal of computational and nonlinear dynamics, vol. 4 (2), pp.021010, 2009. (Impact factor: 2.085).
- Alsaleem, F., Younis, M., and Miles, R., “An Investigation into the Effect of the PCB Motion on the Dynamic Response of MEMS Devices Under Mechanical Shock Loads, Journal of Electronic Packaging, vol.130 (3), pp.031002, 2008. (Impact factor: 1.843).
- Younis, M., Alsaleem, F., and Jordy, D., “The Response of Clamped-Clamped Microbeams Under Mechanical Shock,” International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, vol. 42, 2007. (Impact factor: 2.985)
- Younis, M., Alsaleem, F., Miles, R., and Su, Q., “Characterization for the Performance of Capacitive Switches Activated by Mechanical Shock,” J. Micromech. Microeng., vol.17, 2007. (Impact factor: 1.881).
- Alsaleem, F. and Younis, M., “An Investigation for the Effects of Packaging on the Dynamic Response of a MEMS Device under Mechanical Shock Loads,” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, vol. 42, pp. 643-657, 2006. (Impact factor: 2.985).
- Al-Ramini, A., Takallou, M., Piatkowski, D., Alsaleem, F., “Quantifying the Effect of Modest Interventions to Promote Bicycling Using Crowdsourced Data,” Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science journal (Accepted on 2021). (Impact factor: 3.619).
Conference Publications
- Tesfay, M., Hasan, M., Alsaleem, F., Rafaie, M., “CTRNN Computing Realization Through Network of Coupled MEMS,” ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec, 2018.
- Alsaleem, F., Hasan, M., Rafaie, M., “MEMS As a Continuous Time Recurrent Neuron (CTRN) Computing Unit,” ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec, 2018.
- Hasan, M., Ouakad, M., Jaber N., Hafiz M. ,Alsaleem, F., Younis M., “An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Double Resonance Activation in Electrostatic MEMS Resonators,” ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec, 2018.
- Holthaus, A.,(MAE student), Rafaie, M., Alsaleem, F, “Comfort-based optimal temperature setpoint calculation,” 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, 2018.
- Rafaie, M., Tesfay, M. Alsaleem, F., “Utilizing wearable devices to design personal thermal comfort mode,” 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, 2018.
- Rafaie, M., Alsaleem, F., Tesfay, M., “Localized indoor temperature estimation using smartphone and laptop internal sensors,” 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, 2018.
- Rafaie, M., Hasan, M., and Alsaleem, F., “Nano/Micro-Electro-Mechanical system neuromorphic computers,” International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems, Knoxville, TN, 2018.
- Quedan, A., ; Gariety, M., Alsaleem, F.; Fullenkamp, P., “Low charge detection and diagnoses for a non-critically charged refrigeration system,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT), 2017.
- Alsaleem, F., Tesfay, M., Arunasalam, P., and Rao A., “Adaptive-model predictive control of electronic expansion valves for evaporator superheat minimization,” Proceedings of 16th Annual IEEE international conference on electro information technology.
- Hasan, H., Ouakad, M., Alsaleem, F., “On the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the response of a MEMS arch resonator,” ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
- Hasan, H., Alsaleem, F., Ouakad, M., “A novel threshold pressure sensor based on nonlinear dynamics of MEMS arches,” ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2017.
- Rafaie, M., Alsaleem, F., Holthaus, A., (MAE student), “Data fusion application in predicting human comfort”, Structural health monitoring, Stanford University, 2017.
- Alsaleem, F., Hasan, H., “A novel low voltage electrostatic MEMS resonator sensor based on double resonance dynamic amplification,” ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2017.
- Hasan, M., Alsaleem, F., Mostafa R., Sensitivity Analysis for the PMV Thermal Comfort Model and the Use of Wearable Devices to Enhance Its Accuracy, 4th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, 2016.
- Alsaleem, F. and Quedan, A., Low Refrigerant Algorithm Detection for Cooling Systems Relying on Trending and Data Analysis, 4th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, 2016.
- Alsaleem, F., Abiprojo, R., and Arensmeier, J., HVAC System Cloud Based Diagnostics Model, 15th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Perdue university, 2014.
- Siddharth, B., Parthiban, A., and Alsaleem, F., “Multi-Physics Reliability of Die Attach Solder for High Powered MEMS Chip in Harsh Environments,” In Proc. InterPACK 2011 ASME Pacific Technical on Packaging and Integration of Electronics, 2011 , (Portland, Oregon).
- Alsaleem, F. and Younis, M., “Stability analysis of electrostatically actuated resonators with delayed feedback controller,” In Proc. Of the ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC), (Quebec, Canada).
- Ouakad, H., Alsaleem F., Younis, M., Levo, T., and Pitarresi, J., “Response of an electrostatically actuated microbeam to drop-table test,” IEEE thermal, Mechanical & Multiphysics Simulation and Experiment in Micro/ Nano Electronics and Microsystems Conference, Eurosin, 2010 (Bordeaux, France).
- Alsaleem, F. and Younis, M., “Stabilizing the dynamics of electrostatic MEMS resonators using delayed feedback controller,” 2009 Design Engineering Technical Conference & computer and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2009-86903 (San Diego).
- Alsaleem, F. and Younis, M., “An experimental and theoretical investigation of dynamic pullin in MEMS devices actuated electrostatically, 2009 Design Engineering Technical Conference & computer and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2009-86909 (San Diego).
- Alsaleem, F. and Younis, M., “Controlling Dynamic Pull-in and Escape in Electrostatic MEMS,’IEEE transaction: The 7th AUS Int'l Symposium on Mechatronics, AUS- ISM09, 2009.
- Alsaleem, F., Younis, M., and Ouakad, H., “Experimental al and theoretical investigatingof the nonlinear dynamics of an electrostatically-actuated device,” 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE’08, Boston, MA, 2008.
- Alsaleem, F. and Younis, M., “On the utilization of the escape phenomenon to realize new mass detectors,” Proceeding of the ASME 2008 International Design engineering Technical Conferences and computer and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2008, IDETC2008-50122.
- Alsaleem, F., Younis, M., and Ibrahim, M., “The effect of the PCB motion on the dynamic response of MEMS devices under mechanical shock loads,” SEM XI International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics , Orlando, Florida USA,June 2 - 5, 2008 .
- Younis, M. and Alsaleem, F., “New concepts of mass sensors based on nonlineardynamic principles,” SEM XI International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Orlando, Florida USA, June 2 - 5, 2008.
- Alsaleem, F. and Younis, M., “Theoretical and experimental investigation of dynamic instabilities in electrostatic MEMS,” SEM XI International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Orlando, Florida USA, June 2 - 5, 2008.
- Younis, M. and Alsaleem, F., “Switch triggered by mass threshold,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures IASS-IACM 2008:“Spanning Nano to Mega” 28-31 May 2008, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
- Younis, M. and Alsaleem, F., “Nonlinear Dynamics of MEMS Resonators and its Applications for Mass Sensing,” Dynamics and Control Workshop, Amman, Jordan, March 27, 2008.
- Alsaleem, F., Younis, M., Miles, R., and Su Q., "Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of New Capacitive Switches Activated by Mechanical Shock and Acceleration", Proceedings of the 21st Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB), Las Vegas, Nevada, DETC2007-35417. September 4-7, 2007.
- Alsaleem, F. and Younis, M., "An Investigation for the effect of packaging on the response of MEMS devices under shock loads," Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (ICAMEM 2006), Hammamet, Tunisia, December, 2006, MEMS01.
- Alsaleem, F. and Al-Jarrah, M., “Evaluation and comparison study of shooting ball algorithm,’ The 2nd AUS Int'l Symposium on Mechatronics , AUS-ISM05,2005.