Jeff Zvolanek
Managing Partner Industrial Maid, LLC University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Jeff Zvolanek has extensive experience in business management, business start-ups and in the industrial distribution industry. He currently is a managing partner in Industrial Maid LLC, an air filtration and ventilation manufacturing firm.
Zvolanek has worked in the weld and specialty wire sales for Naussa – Rockmount and National Standard Corp (the Heico Group). He started Industrial Air Specialists in 1989 and with the help of a very dedicated staff, grew the business to be a leading Midwest distributor of dust collectors, air filters, air cleaners and related products. This company was purchased by Linweld in 1997.
Zvolanek also worked for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln on an EPA grant for Partners in Pollution Prevention, teaching ISO 9000/2000 and supervising student interns during their intern projects in Nebraska industry.
He is a UNL Trustee, an active member of the Nebraska Angels, investing in local and Midwestern start-up companies; and active with 100’s of Men in Lincoln. His other business interests include TbreeZ LLC – a sail boat charter affiliate based in St. Thomas, USVI, a sports bar in Las Vegas and a commercial land/building development company.
B.S. '86, Industrial Engineering
Cortland, Neb.