Mark Bauer

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Mark Bauer

Professor of Practice Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Lincoln NE 68588-0511
402-472-3771 On-campus 2-3771


Experience includes a wide range of activities from printed circuit board layout to embedded system design. Many designs were successful products that are still being manufactured after 20 years. A significant amount of time has been devoted to software design and implementation with micro-controllers. Several years were also devoted to managing teams of individuals to produce manufacturable products.

  • Nebraska R & D 

  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln 
    2006 – present : Instructor for the Electrical Engineering Senior Design.
  • Lester Electrical of Nebraska 
    625 West A Street 
    Lincoln, NE 68522

Lester Electrical manufactures battery chargers for industrial and consumer markets in addition to custom designed electrical products.

  • September 2005 to January 2006 Senior Staff Technologist 
    Was responsible for tracking new products and technologies that might have an impact on the business plans.
  • October 2003 to September 2005 Director of Research and Development 
    Was responsible for all research done on new technologies to be incorporated into future products.
  • October 1997 to October 2003 Director of Product Engineering 
    Managing a staff of 34, was responsible for all new product development and getting new products into production.
  • April 1996 to October 1997 Product Manager
  • June 1983 to April 1996 Electrical Engineer
  • August 1981 to June 1983 Lab Technician
  • Dynamic Computer Architecture
    June 1982 to June 1983 Computer Design Engineer 
    This government funded company was created to design a specialized computer from the ground up. Was responsible for the design of the hardware to implement a majority of the instruction set.

Synergistic Activities:

  • Managed Engineering department of 34 individuals in 4 project teams with multiple projects per team
  • Strong embedded programming skills in several computer languages including C, Fortran, Forth, several assemblers, Pascal, and others.
  • Taken projects to production with microprocessors families from MSP430, Pic, Atmel, and Z80.
  • Strong Unix, Linux skills including Open Office, Word, Excel, and MySQL.

In the News: Powered by the 

Oct 20, 2021: Qiao, Bauer research supports $25M contract for strategic deterrence, nuclear threat reduction

May 20, 2021: Nine engineering researchers chosen to NSRI Fellows cohort

Dec 09, 2016: 'Directed chaos' leads students to creative solutions in ELEC 121

Sep 29, 2016: ECE's Bauer, students find 'MacGyver'-like inspiration

Apr 26, 2016: Late pressure leads to People's Choice Award at Senior Design Showcase

Selected Publications

  • N. Schemm, S. Balkir, M. W. Hoffman, and M. Bauer, “A Computational Sensor System for Particle Detection Applications,” IEEE Intl. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2169-2172, May 2009.
  • N. Schemm, B. Liang, S. Balkir, M. W. Hoffman, and M. Bauer, ``A Single Chip Computational Sensor System for Gamma Isotope Identification," to be presented in IEEE Intl. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, May 2010, Paris, France
  • D. Schultz, B. Blasy, J.C. Santana, J.C. Petrosky, J.W. McClory, D. LaGraffe, J.I. Brand, J. Tang, W. Wang, N. Schemm, S. Balkir, M. Bauer, I. Ketsman, R.W. Fairchild, Ya. B. Losovyj, P.A. Dowben, "The K-shell Auger electron spectrum of gadolinium obtained using neutron capture in a solid state device," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 43, no. 7, 43, 2010.


  • A Distance Measure For DNA Sequences. This dissertation explores the use of patterns in average mutual information contained in DNA sequences as a method of identification of the sequences origin.


  • Symbolic Boolean Equation Manipulation With A Stack Based Interpreter


Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001
  • Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln , 1989
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1980