Natale Ianno
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Lincoln NE 68588-0511 - Phone
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Thin Film Deposition including sputtering and PECVD
- High Density Plasma Processing
- Nanoscale processing
- In-situ optical process monitroing
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., 1981 University of Illinois Urbana, IL
- M.S., 1980 University of Illinois Urbana, IL
- B.S., 1978 University of Illinois Urbana, IL
About Natale Ianno
Since joining the faculty in 1981, he has established an extensive research program in Thin Film Material Deposition and Processing. This work has included Pulsed Laser Deposition of a variety of materials, the sputter deposition of piezoelectric, optical and tribological thin films. He also has been involved in high density plasma etching of silicon and germanium. Recently, he has been developing and employing hollow cathode jet plasma jet deposition to grow unique, metastable column IV semiconductor alloys.
Selected Publications
- J. S. Schrader. J. L. Huguenin-Love, R. J. Soukup, N. J. Ianno, C. L. Exstrom, S. A. Darveau, R. N. Udey, V. L. Dalal, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 90, 2338-2345 (2006).
- J. L. Huguenin-Love, R. J. Soukup, N. J. Ianno, J. S. Schrader, D. W. Thompson, and V. L. Dalal, "Optical and Crystallographic Analysis of Thin Films of GeC Deposited Using a Unique Hollow Cathode Sputtering Technique," 9, 759-763 (2006)
- D. Speckman, D. Marvin, J. Matossian, N. Ianno and W. Stuckey, "Atomic Oxygen Testing of MgF2 Coatings" Proc. 2006 IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf., 1838-1841 (2006)
- J. L. Huguenin-Love, R. J. Soukup, N. J. Ianno, J. S. Schrader, and V. L. Dalal, "The Properties of Ge-C Thin Films Deposited using Dual Hollow Cathode", Proc. 2006 IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf. , 114-117 (2006)
- J. L. Huguenin-Love, R. J. Soukup, N. J. Ianno, J. S. Schrader, and V. L. Dalal, "Thin films of GeC Deposited Using a Unique Hollow Cathode Sputtering Technique", Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol 910, paper A07-03.
- R.J. Soukup, and N.J. Ianno, "Deposition of high quality amorphous silicon, germanium and silicon germanium thin films by hollow cathode reactive sputtering system" Surf. and Coatings Tech. 177-178, 676 (2004).
- S.-J Cho, P.G. Snyder, N.J. Ianno, C.M. Herzinger, and B. Johs, "Control of etch depth in patterned semiconductor substrates using real time spectroscopic ellipsometry", Thin Solid Films, 455-456, 645 (2004).
- R.J. Soukup, N.J.; Ianno, S.A. Darveau, and C.L. Exstrom, "Thin films of a-SiGe:H with device quality properties prepared by a novel hollow cathode deposition technique" Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 87, 8 (2005).